da Vegatrem | Giu 28, 2021 | NOTICIAS italiano
Guitar Chat #9: Susan Santos A great passion for music led Susan Santos to teach herself to sing and play the guitar. Step by step, this guitarist and singer created her own songs and her own particular style of understanding music.After playing in several bands, she...
da Vegatrem | Giu 20, 2021 | NOTICIAS italiano
Guitar Chat #8: Helmut Bibl At the last Guitar Chat we met a rock veteran. Helmut Bibl played in the famous Austrian rock cabaret Hallucination Company, worked as a studio musician in Frankfurt with Tony Carey, Supermax, and many more.He toured the world with FALCO,...
da Vegatrem | Mag 10, 2021 | NOTICIAS italiano
Guitar Chat #2: Ulrich Ellison Last Thursday we had, in the new Guitar Chat section, the one and only Ulrich Ellison. A guitar player, singer/songwriter, and producer who based most of his career in Austin, Texas. He´s been releasing records with his band and touring...
da Vegatrem | Mag 3, 2021 | NOTICIAS italiano
“Guitar Chat”, new YouTube live broadcast section! We at Vega-Trem are so happy to announce that we have premiered a new section called “Guitar Chat”, a series of live broadcasts from YouTube. Every week we will have a new guest with whom we will have a...