Pedro Andrea Isaac Vega - Vegatrem VT1 Show Presentation Madrid. Special Guest Master Guitar Player Pedro Andrea

Vegatrem VT1 Show Presentation Madrid. Special Guest Master Guitar Player Pedro Andrea

Jun 5, 2018

Málaga8 was the stage chosen for our first presentation in Madrid, on April 19 with Pedro Andrea as a special guest.

The guitar player and composer started the clinic exhibition of VT1, all managed by the master of ceremonies Isaac Vega

After a brief exhibition of the new floating bridge and the live demonstration of the real-time assembly on a guitar, we opened a question time.

The clinic exhibition ended with a crazy jam of our luxury guest, Pedro Andrea, who managed to transmit his personal sound and the excellence of the VT1 in live. Thank you all of you!!! Malaga8 Thanks guys…all the staff for their sympathy and professionalism.